March 2, 2012

King Celebrates Dr. Seuss' Birthday with a Teacher Read-Aloud

Ms. Bellinger salutes Dr. Seuss
King teachers took time in their day to do some "old-fashioned" read-alouds with our students. We often think of reading to children as an elementary school activity, but our intermediate students are very much "young at heart" and enjoyed a day of listening to spooky, funny and inspiring stories. Reading together is a great family activity. Read to your child, even if they are 13 years old. It will bring back memories!
Ms. Chan kept them in their seats with "The Lightening Thief."

Ms. Schmeding reads from her new "favorite " book, "My Name is Mina"

Ms. Baldovi kept the students laughing with stories written by her former students.
Ms. Nari shares a lesson from "The Butter Battle"

Mr. Pettit scares the kids with spooky tales
Ms. Staton tells the "Real Story of the 3 Little Pigs"
Mr. Hesia shares his love of reading with "The Hunger Games"

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