August 19, 2011

Message from Mrs. Alaiasa, Principal...

Aloha Friends and Families,
The opening of the school year has been a GREAT ONE!  We’ve all come back to school with the attitude that Student Achievement REALLY DOES Matter.  Achieving AYP last year was a great boost to our teachers and students.  It sends a clear message to the community that we’re fighting the odds and actually meeting them.  It’s with the concentrated effort of both families and school that this effort has proven to be of value and worth, and that education and character building is ‘happening’ here at King. 

We would like to honor our King families for building the 5 Rs into their own daily regimen.  It is because of this Castle School Complex push that our young students are able to learn more than just the ABC’s, but to learn traits that enable them to expand upon, and implement within the choices they face daily. 

By continuing to practice the 5 Rs and creating these Habits, our children will be prepared to face their future with confidence when making positive choices.  As a school we invite you to join with us in continuing this partnership in helping our youth gain experiences in education and life that will give them a step up throughout this journey.

We are excited about building a strong partnership with all of you.

Mrs. Alaiasa, Principal

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