2012 Windward District History Day: "Revolution, Reaction, and Reform in History" Thirteen 8th grade King students will be taking their projects to the Windward District History Day on February 18, 2012, on the King campus. Students from Windward elementary, intermediate, and high schools will be presenting their projects for evaluation by History Day judges. Selected projects will move on to the Hawaii History Day State competition in April 2012. History Day, sponsored by the
Hawaii Council for the Humanities, is an education program that promotes the teaching and learning of history in the schools. A yearly theme sets the course for students to select a topic, conduct research, interview sources, write, revise and produce their project. Projects can be presented in a display, performance, documentary, essay or web-site format. The National History Day competition is held at the University of Maryland in June 2012. Windward districts students have consistently participated in the National History Day competitions. King participants are guided by Ms. Susan Sugitani, 8th grade Social Studies teacher. Good luck to our Cobras!
Peter Johnson - paper - Thunder Struck Blitzkreig: The Lightening War - Update- Going to State Competitions!
Rylan Tangonan - paper - The Cuban Missile Crisis: America's Reaction and Later Reforms-Update- Going to State Competitions!
Nathan Inouye, Dylan Silva - exhibit - Airplanes: A Revolution in Warfare
Vanessa Chinen, Alana Thomas - exhibit - Shays' Rebellion
Allison Hara, Lauren Takasato - exhibit - Si Se Puede
Matthew Inamura - exhibit - Fourth Dimension
Julianne Matsumoto, Breelyn Yamada - documentary - Rap Music
Leia Gladstone, Cera Soma - documentary - Facebook Revolution
Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair 2012 Fifty 8th grade students participated in the annual King Science Fair. Five students' projects will be advancing to the Windward District Science and Engineering Fair on Feb. 9-11 at the Windward Community College. Science Fair is an event that promotes an interest in science and science careers. Students must select, research and design their experiments using the scientific method. The Hawaii State Science and Engineering Fair 2012, held in April 2012, with the top winners going on to the National competition in Pennsylvania, in May 2012. Ms. Tina Chan, 8th grade science teacher leads our young scientists to new discoveries. Good luck to our Cobras!
Peter Johnson - Strength of Triangles - Update: Going to State competition!
Lauren Takasato - Brainersize
Rylan Tangonan - Flamin' Hot Colors - Update: Going to State competition!
Julianne Matsumoto, Leia Gladstone - Redbull: Gives Your Brain Wings- Update: Going to State competition!
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